sábado, 21 de junio de 2014

JUNE 2014 SOAP CHALLENGE - HANGER SWIRL .... (At least I made some soap :P)

Yeah, I've been participating in the challenges for the last three months, and every subsequent month I've been making my soap closer and closer to the deadline :(

The end of the school year is always super busy when you have 4 school aged kids in very different grades, with all their end of the year activities, curricular and not. But this year has been even worse for me because I've been a "de facto" single mum 24/7 for the last 2 months with my husband having gone abroad to work. The last soap I made was actually for the last Amy Warden's challenge so, this time, more than trying a new technique, the aim (and challenge! for me) was to actually MAKE SOME SOAP!!

And I did. Really, the results of it are not what they would have been had I planned it better, made it with more time, etc... but I just wanted to be forced to find some time do what I love: making soap. And I did it!!! 

At least I did that much. And the design is not what I dreamt of initially, but the formula is. It turned out the perfect texture, even visually (not properly appreciated in the picture). Also super sudsy and yet very mild. I can forsee that even before it's cure time is over. So... I love my soap. I loved making it, even though I did it in a haste, I loved cutting it, smelling it, taking a picture of it.... it's my soap <3  

And so this month I have to be thankful because the challenge pushed me to.... make soap ;) 

Oils of olive, coconut (*bio), palm (*bio), shea butter (* bio), first pressed argan oil, palm kernel, sunflower and a tiny bit of beeswax. 
Scented with basil, lavender, mint, spearmint, rosemary and ylang ylang essential oils.
Coloured with green oxide, BB's electric bubble gum and gold mica.

Thank you all for sharing your beautiful soaps!!! And see you again next month :) !!!